Passive Fundraising is an easy way to make a BIG difference for our school! SMS participates in, and definitely benefits from the following programs...
Just Shop, Swipe and Earn at Kroger!
The Kroger Community Rewards program allows SMS to receive a cash donation based on the percentage of your purchases once you link your Kroger Plus Card to our account: Sashabaw Middle School PTSA. It's free and easy to set up. EVERYONE must enroll or re-enroll for this program each spring. SMS Account Number: 90019
Can't remember your login or do you use your phone number at the checkout? Feel free to contact Kroger directly and they'll assist: 877-576-7587.
Box Tops for education
The Box Tops for Education program is an easy way to support our school. Simply clip Box Top coupons – worth 10 cents each – from hundreds of products, and have your student drop them off in the Main Office. For more information, go to